In Review

In this tutorial, you have learned the following:

Further Study

Try doing these things with the given programs.

  • Use non-mipmap filtering with anisotropic filtering and compare the results with the mipmap-based anisotropic version.

  • Change the GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL of the checkerboard texture. Subtract 3 from the computed max level. This will prevent OpenGL from accessing the bottom 3 mipmaps: 1x1, 2x2, and 4x4. See what happens. Notice how there is less grey in the distance, but some of the shimmering from our non-mipmapped version has returned.

  • Go back to Basic Texture in the previous tutorial and modify the sampler to use linear mag and min filtering on the 1D texture. See if the linear filtering makes some of the lower resolution versions of the table more palatable. If you were to try this with the 2D lookup texture in Material Texture tutorial, it would cause filtering in both the S and T coordinates. This would mean that it would filter across the shininess of the table as well. Try this and see how this affects the results. Also try using linear filtering on the shininess texture.